Tag: eco-friendly
Using metal straws with your drinks, asking for no plastic silverware with your carry-out orders, carrying reusable bags or water bottles—there are a few of the many ways to cut down on your carbon footprint. But, how can you be more environmentally friendly when working out? It turns out...
If you enjoy browsing new interior decor trends on Instagram, you may have already heard about the vegan home movement. Vegan homes are the next step for people who live vegan lives without eating and using things that come from animals or harm animals in any way. This simply...
We've all thrown away food that was perfectly edible because it didn't look appealing to us or it was a couple of days old. Throwing away food is not only wasteful, but it's also bad for the environment because it wastes energy and water. These tips will help you...
Thrifty is the new trendy. Companies are finally starting to realize that consumers want eco-friendly brands. Style and environmental sustainability can go hand in hand.
Casual And Comfy
Fast fashion is the bane of the fashion industry. That $10 top from the mall may be cute, but it's not cute for...