Here’s How to Feel Body Confident, No Matter What You’re Facing

Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Sure we hear the words body confident thrown around a lot, but it’s not something that comes naturally to most people. No matter your size, it’s important to love your body for all of the amazing stuff it does for you. If you’re lacking body confidence, here are some ways to finally start appreciating your body.

Make Your Social Media More Positive

You can choose who you follow and unfollow on social media. If you’re following brands or influencers that make you feel less than how amazing you are, just unfollow them. Turn your time on social media into something positive and uplifting.

Get Supportive Friends

Do the people in your life uplift you or put you down? Don’t make time for negative people and instead, surround yourself with those who build up your confidence.

Focus on Feeling Comfortable

When you’re trying to build your body confidence, comfort is important. So, if you don’t feel like shaving—don’t bother. Also, wear fabrics that are soft and feel nice on your skin or wear clothes that give you that extra boost of confidence.

Throw on Clothes for No Reason

Just because you’re staying home all day or only heading to the grocery store doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dress in a way that feels good. Go ahead and try new beauty looks you saw on Instagram or TikTok or wear a bold outfit that makes you feel like your best self.

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Jenn S
Jenn's dream has always been to be a star on Broadway. Self-described theatre nerd; she grew up going to see all the musicals with my older sister. Her favorites are Hairspray, Wicked, and Kinky Boots. She even named her cats Tracey Turnblad and Link Larkin!