2023 is finally upon us, and chances are you made a long list of resolutions for the New Year. Working out more is probably one of them, and it’s also the most difficult one to stick to, so we prepared a brief guide that will help you truly commit to your fitness goals this year.
Do It Right Away
You have twelve months to make your New Year’s resolutions come true, but that doesn’t mean you should wait until next December. The sooner you start working towards your goals, the sooner you’ll see progress, and that’s especially true when it comes to working out.
Be Real and Specific
“Working out more” is a very common fitness resolution, but you’ll have to be much more specific because it’s difficult to track progress when your goals are too vague. It’s also crucial to be realistic when setting your goals and make sure they align with your fitness level.
Fun is Your Priority
The main reason why people give up their fitness resolutions is the lack of motivation, and it’s tough to stay motivated when you’re not enjoying your workouts. Fitness means different things to different people, so put in some effort to find a routine that’s effective and enjoyable at the same time.