Natural DIY Anti-Cellulite Lotion

Cellulite is officially our worst enemy. Getting rid of it can be very difficult, but that’s why we’re here to help. This amazing DIY anti-cellulite lotion will change your life. All you need is three natural ingredients and ten minutes of your time. You can use it for four weeks.


For this DIY anti-cellulite lotion, you will only use natural ingredients. It will take you 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup coffee-infused oil and 1 cup aloe vera gel. These are all things that are very beneficial for the skin and can significantly help with cellulite.

How to Make it:

Get a bowl and put the coconut oil, coffee-infused oil, and the aloe vera gel in there. Blend them in a blender until you get a smooth mixture. It should have a consistency similar to the other lotions that you use. Grab a clean container so that you can store your anti-cellulite lotion. You can use it up to four weeks since the day you made it. The best way is to massage it on your affected areas with a massager. It will improve the circulation in your skin and reduce the cellulite. Thanks to the coffee, you will even get a slight bronzer tan.

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Amanda C
Amanda studied cinema before she decided to go to the other side and start writing about movies, TV shows, and celebrity culture. On her free time, she loves to travel and New York is her favorite city in the world.