DIY Cat Toys Your Feline Friend Will Love

Cats deserve new toys and you don’t have to wait until the holiday season to buy them. Instead, you can create these DIY cat toys with materials you probably already have lying around your house. What cat doesn’t love cardboard boxes, feathers, and balls?

Cardboard Playhouse

Whenever we have cardboard boxes in our house our cat seems to be chilling in them. What’s it about cardboard boxes that cats love so much? Perhaps we’ll never really know, but you can create awesome cat playhouses with these boxes. Your cat will feel like they’ve got their own house, plus they make the cutest Instagram photos.

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株式会社なんなんがプロデュースする、かつてない段ボール紙製のネコハウスを、皆さんのそばにいるニャンコに贈ってみませんか? – – ◎ これまでのネコ用ハウスの常識を打ち破る、メルヘンチックなお城のような外観を誇ります。 – ◎ 一般的な段ボール紙より遥かに丈夫な、二重段ボール紙を使用。抜群の耐久性です。 – ◎ 組み立てやすいシンプルな構造。 – ◎ ネコがくつろげる、そしていつでも飼い主さんが片づけしやすいようにしました。 – ◎ 高さ約135センチ、屋根径約75センチ、本体径・占有床面積約53センチ、重さ約3.8キロは、従来の猫タワーと変わりません。むしろ、紙製なので軽いです。 – ◎ ネコが大好きな無地の段ボールの質感を生かした、飼い主さんが自由にアレンジできるデザインです。 – ◎ 周囲の階段にしたり、爪とぎにもなる、段ボール紙ブロックも、順次販売する予定です。 – ◎ 販売価格;15,000円(税込・送料別) – なお、この商品の開発の過程は、弊社フェイスブック、ツイッターおよびインスタグラムでも、ご紹介しております。 ぜひご覧ください。 – フェイスブック; – ツイッター ; – インスタグラム; – – On sale! The DIY castle of cats from Japan! – Authentic and classic you have never seen before. – So really tough,durable,and light, 100% made of double-folded cardboard. – Easy to make,put away,and recycle it. – Design free on the surface by yourself. – Enough spaces for cats to stay comfortable. – Plus extra option ; cardboard blocks to scratch post and make staircase for cats. – Size: 3.8 kilograms (8.3pounds) 1350mm high, 750mm width (roof) , 530mm width (main body) – Price: 15000 JPY (Without shipment fee) – Please contact and follow us, if you are interested in it. – facebook; (Only in Japanese,sorry.) – Instagram;

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Feather Cat Toy

Chances are this is already probably one of your cat’s favorite toys; they could run around chasing after it all day. They happen to be so easy to make; most of the materials you probably already have and the ones you don’t you can purchase at any craft store. All you need is some string or shoelaces, feathers, and a bell.

Mouse Toy

If you’re crafty and you know how to sew, this is super easy to make. Just use some fabrics from old clothing or those dining room chairs you’ve been meaning to throw away and stuff it with cotton. Walla, it’s that simple!

Knotted Ball

This is another toy where you need some string and an old t-shirt. Just scrunch the shirt into a ball and tie it to some string. Let the string hang from the doorknob and your cat will have so much fun tapping and pouncing at the ball.

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Ariel H
Ariel is a chocoholic - she loves chocolate, all types of chocolate. Fashion is her next love, she enjoys following all the latest fashion trends. During her free time, you can catch her snuggling up with her two kitties or binge-watching Netflix.