5 Acne Myths That Aren’t True at All!

Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash

Acne is quite common and affects both males and females, old and young. There have been so many myths surrounding this skin condition. Many believe that acne is for teenagers and is contagious. Is this a fact or a myth? Read on to find out.

Only teenagers have acne

Acne is not restricted to teenagers; even adults can have it. However, it is divided into two categories known as persistent acne and late-onset acne. The former starts from teenage years and doesn’t clear up into adulthood while the latter starts after 25 years of age.

Acne can be contracted through contact

Acne isn’t contagious. Even though bacteria have a role to play in acne development, it cannot be contracted like other infections.

Stay away from abrasive products

Many people believe that abrasive products should be avoided while treating acne. This is a myth because exfoliation is necessary for people with oily skin at least once a week. It removes dead skin and results in a smoother, brighter appearance. However, be careful not to overdo it and irritate the skin.

Acne is a sign of serious health issues

There is no evidence to show that acne is a symptom of other health issues. On some rare occasions, the position of the acne may determine the cause. An example is acne on the forehead, which suggest that your hair products may be irritating your skin.

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