Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With Makeup On

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

It is easy to sleep off and leave your makeup on especially when you are tired. However, this is not ideal for your skin. You should always take off your makeup before bed if you want a fresh, glowing skin. You also do not want to make a mess on your sheets.

What happens when you sleep with makeup?

Removing makeup should be a part of your skincare routine if you want a radiant and clear skin. When you sleep with makeup, you prevent the skin from regenerating and renewing at night.

As you sleep, the remnants of the makeup sink deeper into the pores and clog them. Congestion of the pores cause can cause breakouts as well as whiteheads and blackheads.

Also, your skin will be susceptible to damage by free radicals when you leave makeup on at night. When these free radicals stay on your face all day, they increase exposure to free radicals.

Over a long time, not removing makeup before bed can cause micro-comedones on the skin surface and this attracts acne cause bacteria to make your face their home.

If you do not use makeup every day or you just use mascara, you should make it a habit of cleansing your skin and removing all the traces of makeup every night. Not removing your mascara at night can irritate the eyes and lead to inflammation as well.

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Jenn S
Jenn's dream has always been to be a star on Broadway. Self-described theatre nerd; she grew up going to see all the musicals with my older sister. Her favorites are Hairspray, Wicked, and Kinky Boots. She even named her cats Tracey Turnblad and Link Larkin!