Creating a skin care regimen can be very expensive. The beauty industry is a billion dollar industry with no shortage of products. What’s worse is that everything is marketed as a must-have. It can be very overwhelming trying to figure out which products you should purchase for your skin type.
The good news is that you may not need to purchase a lot of products after all. In fact, a lot of skin benefitting materials can be found right in your kitchen!
This citrus fruit can be a useful ingredient in many DIY skin care creations that can help to brighten skin and even heal it. Try using it for a reinvigorating lemon steam to help clear your pores and get rid of those dead skin cells. Also, try drinking lemon water to help improve your body and skin from the inside out.
This fruit is truly a Jack-of-all-trades. Avocado is a key ingredient in many DIY home concoctions for hair and skin care. Try making a delicious, luxurious avocado face mask for moisturized, softer skin.
Yogurt is another fantastic ingredient for face masks. Plain yogurt can be used as an exfoliating face mask that can that can reduce the appearance of spots and scars. For acne prone and irritated skin, create your own yogurt and honey face mask.
Using coffee as a face and body scrub is already popular. However, many don’t know the benefits of cold brew coffee. Make your own cold brew coffee and soak cotton pads in it. Use the cotton pads to diminish puffiness.