Beauty tips for the traveler

Photo by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash

So, you’ve booked that dream holiday and can’t wait to get going. But, hang on. Traveling can wreak havoc on our skin. With a little preparation, you can protect your skin this vacation. Take the following steps to keep your skin glowing and healthy.

First, be prepared

Make sure your skin is in great shape before you head off on your vacation. This means cleansing, toning and moisturizing both morning and night, and using a minimum number of products that you know work for you. Get lots of sleep, drink enough water, eat well, and avoid sugar and alcohol.

Pack accordingly

Avoid trying new products when traveling to prevent breakouts and other problems. Stick with the tried-and-tested products that you usually use.

Take special precautions if traveling by air

Air travel can take quite a toll on our skin, leaving it dry and dehydrated. Before your flight, apply a rich hydrating cream and lip balm. Avoid wearing makeup if you can. Otherwise, keep it to a minimum, and leave your skin bare.

Wear sunblock to protect you from the sun’s UV rays, and avoid drinking alcohol on the plane because it will further dehydrate you. Avoid fatty, salty snacks, and opt for healthy options. Make sure you drink plenty of water.

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Amanda C
Amanda studied cinema before she decided to go to the other side and start writing about movies, TV shows, and celebrity culture. On her free time, she loves to travel and New York is her favorite city in the world.